300-nen Fuuinsareshi Jaryuu-chan to Tomodachi ni Narimashita
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2021
Author Yaki Tomato
Artist Yaki Tomato
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300-nen Fuuinsareshi Jaryuu-chan to Tomodachi ni Narimashita

Synopsis 300-nen Fuuinsareshi Jaryuu-chan to Tomodachi ni Narimashita

Youta wanted a friend, so *obviously*, he magically summoned one. He didn’t quite count with the fact that he’d summon Mumu, a mighty and evil dragon girl, notwithstanding that due to hundreds of years of imprisonment, she’s **very** needy, **very** weepy, **very** clingy, and lonelier than the “9” button on a microwave oven.

Chapters 1-13 are unchanged [from pre-serialization](https://mangadex.org/title/a3ebdf54-8715-4bd8-a1cf-fb0c3cc3d849/an-evil-dragon-that-was-sealed-away-for-300-years-became-my-friend-pre-serialization) and are not mirrored here.

Chapter 300-nen Fuuinsareshi Jaryuu-chan to Tomodachi ni Narimashita
